4 Rivers

what I do
When my clients come to me and say that, thanks to our training, they can walk through life with greater strength and confidence and are better equipped to handle the daily challenges that come their way, I know that their training has been successful. At this point, the client and I, together as a training team, have achieved the goal of health and wholeness.
- 4 Rivers Life -
Training for your, Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.
Hello, my name is Michael Lund. I am a personal trainer who works with a broad spectrum of clients. My clients have ranged in age from 8 to 92. I train people from all walks of life, from professional athletes to actors, business owners to lawyers, doctors to weekend warriors, disabled to the bodybuilder, photographers to poets, to stay-at-home moms, and even the occasional combination of all those in one person ;)
I train a wide variety of physical ailments as well: stroke and heart attack victims, back fusions, hip and knee replacements, disabled, SI joint pain, shoulder injuries, chronic neck and back pain, spinal stenosis, cancer, and many more.
I have a team mentality when it comes to training. I aim to achieve clients' goals together by working as a team to accomplish the goals they set for themselves. Our training sessions are a partnership, a shared journey to achieve their goals. It all starts with communication. A client tells me what they want to achieve, and then we set out as a team to reach that goal together. During our sessions, I constantly communicate how what we are doing is building the foundation to accomplish their goals.
I have personally had two shoulder surgeries, one on each shoulder, and I have had knee surgery, so I sympathize with pre and post-rehab. I have been educated and equipped with a unique training skill set, combining my rehab training background with my athlete training background. I have a college degree in Exercise Science and am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist NSCA-CSCS. Being blessed to work with such a wide variety of people has allowed me to use these unique skills throughout my 16 years as a personal trainer.
We train with my 4 Rivers philosophy. To attain fundamental changes through training, you must achieve health and wholeness in the whole person. My training is designed to train a person's Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. These four parts of training must be developed together to achieve health, wholeness, and true life transformation.

Maryke Brannin
Retired Nurse
Mike is a professional trainer in every way. His assessments are grounded in science, he carefully observes your individual progress, and makes changes accordingly. Personally, gone are my minor age-related aches and pains. I feel and am stronger. My Posture and balance have improved and I have energy! On top, Mike is a personable man with high ethical standards and he makes exercising fun!

Richard Brannin
Senior Project Manager
Mike is outstanding as a person and as a trainer. He is able to asses your strengths & weaknesses and design an exercise program to fit your needs and goals. I often leave a workout with stressed muscles but never a strain or injury. He pushes you to the edge of your capabilities but never over the edge :)
Finally, his exercise program is different each workout, fun, and helpful in restoring many long standing issues. For example, (posture, strained painful joints, etc ...). Wow!!

Larry Rubenstein
Real Estate Investor
For me, personal training has become a way of life. Every possible Monday, Wednesday and Friday I train with Michael. The experience has been better than any medical remedy could hope to provide. Never any back pain, issues with lifting, bending, reaching, posture, neck stiffness, nothing. Since I am in my late 70's, I believe that is quite an accomplishment, and all due to Michael’s careful attention to what is best for me, personally, for my body and my physical activities. I have many golfing friends (I too play golf) who are constantly complaining about their backs or elbows or you name it and take drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) to cure their ills. Yet all one really needs to do is go to Michael for one hour three times a week instead! Aside from his vast knowledge of how the body functions and how to apply this knowledge to fitness, he is a fine gentleman, fun to talk with and creates a very pleasant hour.